Fantasy Hockey Geek

DobberHockey's Midseason projections are now in
Follow us @FantasyHockeyGk on Twitter for updates


Projections for shortened season are up!

Mon, Jan 07th, 2013

The NHL has announced the season and we've got your back.  Dobberhockey's projections for the shortened season are loaded on the site for Draft Kit and Full Pack subscribers.  Clobber the competition - sign up now!

Moving the zero-valued player

Fri, Nov 25th, 2011

Many users have expressed confusion over the value of a player with zero HPG value. Until today, an HPG value of zero has denoted an average player. But now, an HPG value of zero represents the bottom of the heap - the value of the lowest owned player in the league. In other words, a zero HPG value is now a more intuitive "don't own anyone worse than this" marker.

Deep Analysis - Jeff Angus of Dobberhockey

Sat, Oct 01st, 2011

 The next Deep Analysis is on the team of Jeff Angus of Dobberhockey.  Check it out!

Deep Analysis - The Renegades

Fri, Sep 23rd, 2011

The third winner of our contest over on the Dobberhockey forums was Ryan, aka Renegade.  Check out our latest deep analysis!

Deep Analysis - Glengarry Giants

Sat, Sep 17th, 2011

The next winner of our contest over on the Dobberhockey forums was Matt Poirier, aka TwoPuckCanuck.  Check out the deep analysis of his team!

Deep Analysis - Wendelclark17

Mon, Sep 12th, 2011

 The first winner of our contest over on the Dobberhockey forums was Neil McWilliams, aka Wendelclark17.  Check out the deep analysis of his team!

Draft Guru Preview

Thu, Aug 18th, 2011

Our new Draft Guru tool is a game changer for fantasy hockey drafts - but what does it do exactly?  Check out the preview for a look at how we can help you to ensure you never screw up a draft again.  Make the right picks early, get the best late-round steals, and extract maximum value out of every pick with the Draft Guru!

Being Ready on Draft Day

Thu, Aug 18th, 2011

Jacob Phillips (aka J_Mac_13 on the forums) presents best practice on making sure you're prepared for your draft. 

Free 24-hour Trial Memberships!

Tue, Aug 16th, 2011

We're happy to announce that all new members will receive automatic 24-hour trial memberships when signing up for a free account. Now you can try out our full suite of tools for yourself, including the new Draft Guru, before purchasing a full subscription.

Also, if you're an existing free member who has never had a subscription, we haven't forgotten about you! Visit your member homepage and click the ''Claim your free trial here" link to activate your 24-hour trial subscription.

Dobberhockey 2011-12 Projections

Mon, Aug 15th, 2011

For Hockey Pool Geek subscribers, the Dobberhockey 2011-12 Projections are now available in your stat sets.

HPG Presents the Draft Guru

Wed, Aug 10th, 2011

What if we told you that you'd never screw up at a draft again? Now you can draft like a star with the Draft Guru, our brand new, all-in-one real-time draft advice tool. 

  • Make the right picks early
  • Get the best late-round steals
  • Extract maximum value out of every pick

With real-time advice after every pick, you get the best players available in every round of your draft to end up with a strong, well-balanced roster. You'll look like a pro getting maximum value out of each draft pick. Plus, you can track every other team's progress as well, keeping an eye on your competition.

The Draft Guru is available to all Hockey Pool Geek subscribers. To start a new guru, go to the homepage of one of your leagues and hit the "Start a New Guru" button.


2-year average stat set released

Tue, Jul 05th, 2011

Based on a request by one of our users, we've released a new stat set showing the average of the last two years, which can be found listed with the rest of the historical statistics.

Updated 3-year average stats

Wed, Apr 20th, 2011

The 3-year average stat set has been updated to reflect the results of the 2010/2011 NHL season. 

Annual Subscriptions

Sun, Mar 27th, 2011

Our customers have let us know that they would prefer that subscriptions last for a year, regardless of when they are purchased.  We're listening, so we've made the change.  $19.99 gets you an annual subscription to, expiring a year after purchase.  Any subscriptions purchased in advance of the change will maintain their original expiry, July 31st 2010.

Guest Access to Custom Rankings

Wed, Mar 16th, 2011

 We're in the process of streamlining our league setup process, both in the front end and the back end. As part of the streamlining, we've decided to require that all visitors have at least a free account in order to generate custom rankings. Guests (visitors without an account) will still be able to access our rankings for popular pools (Yahoo, ESPN, CBS), but custom rankings will require a free account.

We'll be disabling non-logged in access to custom rankings on Sunday, March 20th.

Don't forget - basic custom rankings are free, and will always be free!

Automatic Update Option for Leagues

Wed, Feb 16th, 2011

If your league uses the current season's stats, you can now choose to have your rankings updated weekly with our Monday morning stat update. All eligible leagues have this option enabled by default, so to turn it off, simply go to your "Edit League Details" page and uncheck "Automatically update rankings every Monday when using the current season's stats" (near the top of the form).

Projection Forecasts Released

Mon, Feb 14th, 2011

Using the HPG projections or the projections of one of our partners in your league setup? Well, now you can reconcile those projections with the current season's stats with our new forecast stats. For each projection set, there's now a matching forecast set that uses the current season's stats to improve the accuracy of the projections.

Forecasts for your own custom projections aren't currently available, but are in the works.

GMGates on Trade Personalities

Mon, Jan 24th, 2011

GMGates is back with another article that focuses on playing the player, this time looking at trade personalities. 

New Feature: Multiple Position Sets and Multiple Eligibility

Tue, Dec 14th, 2010

If you use Yahoo, CBS, or Fantrax for your fantasy hockey pool, then you'll love our newest feature: position sets. Up until now, player positions at Hockey Pool Geek have matched those at Now, however, when creating a league you have the option of choosing positions from, Yahoo!, CBS, or Fantrax (we hope to add ESPN in the near future). These positions include multiple eligibility.

All existing leagues have been set to the position set by default. To change your league's position set, go to the "Edit League Details" screen and choose an option under "Which stat/pool provider's position eligibilities do you want to use?"

GMG article on breaking out of competitive limbo

Sat, Dec 11th, 2010

A lot of feedback was generated from the last issue regarding Competitive Limbo, many managers found themselves and their teams in Limbo without direction. This edition of Trade Fever will cater to those teams and provide some self auditing techniques. Being able to self audit your team can give you the leg up when attempting to play the player. Why? Because it gives you the chance to know where you stand, the direction you’re headed in and pin point what your needs are.

Server Move / Scheduled Maintenance Update

Sun, Nov 28th, 2010 will be going into offline 'maintenance mode' tomorrow morning at approximately 9:30am PST. We expect to change the DNS and bring the site back online on the new server at around 11am PST, but, due to the way DNS propagates (i.e. slowly), some users in various parts of the world will continue to see the old site (in offline mode) for a few hours. The DNS should be fully propagated by tomorrow night. 

Server Move and Downtime

Thu, Nov 25th, 2010 is moving servers! We'll be shutting down for maintenance at 4pm PST today while we complete the server move. Since the DNS for our domain is also changing, we could be down for as much as 24 hours, depending on which area of the world you're viewing the site from.

Trade Fever - Intro to Keeper Leagues and the Importance of Strategy

Mon, Nov 01st, 2010

 GMGates is back with a look at keeper leagues and the importance of continuity in strategy.

Feedback Requested: League Setup Process

Mon, Oct 25th, 2010

From the blog this morning:  the process of setting up a new league is our most often-used feature, and, from my perspective, the one that we need to “get right”. So, I’d love some feedback on how we can make the process better, easier, and more intuitive. Hopefully we can spark a discussion and come up with some really good improvements. Head over to the blog and have your say!

Development Blog Launched

Fri, Oct 22nd, 2010

We've finally released a development blog, a spot for us to talk about new features and just generally give a bit of an "insider's view" into the development of Hockey Pool Geek. Check it out and leave lots of comments! 

What I've Learned - Rotisserie Leagues

Mon, Sep 27th, 2010

Brandon Nihmey is back with another article in his What I've Learned series, this time tackling rotisserie leagues.  This is a simply fantastic resource for anyone in a roto league, whether a newbie or a seasoned pro.

Deep Analysis - Canadiens

Fri, Sep 24th, 2010

We perform a Deep Analysis of an extremely deep and complicated league setup.

Positional Weights Released!

Wed, Sep 22nd, 2010

We're pleased to announce support for positional stat category weights in fantasy points-style leagues. This brand new feature allows you to set different weights for  each stat category for forwards, defense, and goalies. So, if you're in a league that gives more weight to defensemen points, for example, we've got you covered! Simply check the box titled "My league has separate weights for forwards and defensemen (for example, 'defenseman points')" during league creation.

Trade Fever: Types of Preferences - Draft Edition

Mon, Sep 20th, 2010

In continuation of the last Trade Fever article, this entry will focus on the types of draft styles and preferences seen in managers when drafting a team. Whether it’s a bias, a fluke or a habit, the following types might seem very familiar to you. While they might not require the same set of skills or influences needed to play the player, it’s a great refresher to have come draft time. Get yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy the read!

What I've Learned: H2H Leagues

Thu, Sep 16th, 2010

Our newest contributor, Brandon Nihmey, shares his excellent strategic thoughts on the finer points of Head-to-Head leagues.

New Draft/Team Advisor Feature - Save My Roster

Fri, Sep 10th, 2010

Tired of re-entering your keeper roster every time you use the Draft/Team Advisor? Well, now you can "Update and Save as My Roster" and the players you enter will be saved in the advisor until you "Clear All Data (Including My Roster)"! That's right: logout, go on vacation, buy a new computer, log back in, and those players will still be there.

Yahoo and ESPN Rankings Released

Tue, Sep 07th, 2010

Our Rankings for Popular Pools section is back! We maintain rankings for some of the more popular fantasy hockey league providers. During the course of the season, these rankings will be updated weekly with the current season's stats. Right now, the rankings are using the complete stats from the 09/10 season. Check out the Yahoo default league rankings and the ESPN default league rankings!

Introducing User Referrals

Fri, Sep 03rd, 2010

We've just finished our user referral program: If you're a current subscriber, you'll earn $5 (that's five dollars CAD) every time someone you refer to purchases a subscription.  We know that you want to keep this site (and the edge it brings you in your leagues) a secret, but we also know that poolies love free stuff... so we thought we'd pit those two forces against each other and see which one won out. :)  Simply ask your referrals to enter your email address - the one you use to login to - during registration, and we'll take care of the rest. At the end of every month, we'll send you a payment via Paypal for any referrals you earned during that month. It's easy money.

Reading your Opponents

Mon, Aug 23rd, 2010

GMG is back with another article on playing the player, not just the stats: learning to read your opponents.  

2010/2011 Season Projections Updated!

Tue, Aug 17th, 2010

We have revised our projections for the 2010/2011 season to clean up some minor errors and GP omissions.  Our projections are simple (we're analysis-types, not projection experts), but they're still a very good starting point for understanding player value in your league! 

New Subscriber Tool: What If?

Tue, Aug 17th, 2010

Trying to get a handle on what a prospect will be worth in your league setup if they reach their potential?  The What If? tool lets you know the real value to your league a player would have if they put up the stats that you enter.   Just enter the stats, and the results show you the HPG value associated with those results, using the parameters from your league. 

Deep Analysis Archives Now Online

Wed, Aug 11th, 2010

We've separated our Deep Analysis articles out of the main articles section and given them their own home at HPG. Check out these insanely detailed team audits, including the latest look at Dobber Hockey analyst Jeff Angus' keeper team.

Projections for 2010/2011 Released!

Mon, Aug 09th, 2010

Our projections for the 2010/2011 season and rolling 3-year average stats are up!  Our projections are simple (we're analysis-types, not projection experts), but they're still a very good starting point for understanding player value in your league! 

New Articles and Introducing GMG

Mon, Aug 09th, 2010

We've got a new contributor here at!  GMG (GM Gates) will be writing about the finer points of the philosophy of fantasy hockey - he focuses on the fact that you're playing the players, not the stats... which is a perfect complement to the rest of what we look at on this site.  Check out his first article in the Trade Fever series!

Deep Analysis - The Neutral Zone

Wed, Jul 07th, 2010

The first of a series of in-depth analysis of fantasy hockey teams.  Deep Analysis gives you real insight into the strengths and weaknesses, and strategies of your team.  First up, Hybrid from the forums!

2009-2010 Complete Season Stats Now Available

Tue, Apr 20th, 2010

 The complete stats for the 2009-2010 season have been added to the league creation options and the statistics section.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Apr 12th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-04-11, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Apr 12th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-04-11, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Apr 05th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-04-04, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Apr 05th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-04-04, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Mar 29th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-03-28, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Mar 29th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-03-28, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Mar 22nd, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-03-21, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Mar 22nd, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-03-21, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Mar 15th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-03-14, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Mar 15th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-03-14, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Mar 08th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-03-07, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Mar 08th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-03-07, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Mar 01st, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-02-28, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Mar 01st, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-02-28, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Feb 22nd, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-02-21, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Feb 22nd, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-02-21, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Feb 15th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-02-14, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Feb 15th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-02-14, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Feb 08th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-02-07, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Feb 08th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-02-07, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Feb 01st, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-01-31, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Feb 01st, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-01-31, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Jan 25th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-01-24, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Jan 25th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-01-24, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Jan 18th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-01-17, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Jan 18th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-01-17, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Jan 11th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2010-01-10, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Jan 11th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2010-01-10, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Jan 04th, 2010

Weekly rankings for Yahoo are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Jan 04th, 2010

Weekly rankings for ESPN are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Sun, Dec 20th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Sun, Dec 20th, 2009

Weekly rankings for ESPN are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Tue, Dec 15th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Tue, Dec 15th, 2009

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Thu, Dec 10th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Wed, Dec 09th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Dec 07th, 2009

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Dec 07th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Nov 30th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Nov 30th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Nov 30th, 2009

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Nov 30th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Nov 30th, 2009

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Nov 23rd, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Nov 23rd, 2009

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of , are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Mon, Nov 16th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo, current as of 2009-11-15, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Updated Rankings for ESPN Released

Mon, Nov 16th, 2009

Weekly rankings for ESPN, current as of 2009-11-15, are out! Check out the updated stats and player movement as they relate to your hockey pool.

Rankings for ESPN Standard Leagues

Wed, Nov 11th, 2009

We've just launched rankings for ESPN Standard Leagues, which will be updated weekly.  Get the edge in your fantasy hockey league!

Updated Rankings for Yahoo Released

Wed, Nov 11th, 2009

Weekly rankings for Yahoo Default League Rankings: 2009-11-08

Season-to-date and on-pace statistics

Mon, Nov 09th, 2009

Pre-season projections, no more!  We've updated the statistic sets you can use to generate custom rankings to include the stats from the current season, and the on-pace stats for the remainder of the season.  Since it's early and it's a small statistical sample, on-pace numbers will be a little crazy (go Ryan Potulny!), but they'll come back to earth as the season comes along.  Luckily, you can edit your own projections...

Team Evaluation Tool

Fri, Oct 16th, 2009

You used our Draft Advisor to help you get the edge in your fantasy hockey pool's draft - now use it during the season to keep a close eye on your team's strengths and weaknesses. The Draft Advisor and Team Evaluation Tool allows you to see which statistical categories you should focus on as the season unfolds.

Poisoned Pills

Wed, Sep 30th, 2009

A look at some big name players that harm your team on the sly

Export Your Rankings to a CSV File

Thu, Sep 24th, 2009

We've just added the ability to export your Pro Rankings to a CSV file, for easy printing, manipulation and sorting. Check out the "Export to CSV" link near the top of the rankings output page, or the "Export the Latest Rankings to a CSV File" link in the league summary page. This feature is only available to registered users, so sign up today to take advantage of this cool new feature!

Hidden Value

Wed, Sep 23rd, 2009

A look at the depth players that put your team over the top

Yahoo Stock Rankings Now Available

Tue, Sep 22nd, 2009

The Geek has just published the Yahoo! Stock Rankings, the first in a series of rankings for popular fantasy hockey pools. Updated weekly during the course of the season and using configurations that match the default league setups for each service, these rankings provide an easy way to give you an edge in your hockey pool.

Fantasy Fundamentals - Draft Strategy

Wed, Sep 16th, 2009

Draft a winning team!

Fantasy Hockey Scouts

Thu, Sep 03rd, 2009

We understand that users want choice, and that projections are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding real player value.

To give you more choice, we've also teamed up with Fantasy Hockey Scouts:  if you buy their Fantasy Scouting Report, their projections come pre-formatted for upload to Hockey Pool Geek!

Spread the Word Updated!

Thu, Sep 03rd, 2009

We've added a few more ways for our users to help us spread the word!

Fantasy Points -Style Rankings Improved

Tue, Sep 01st, 2009

We've tweaked the algorithm for fantasy points -style leagues to give you even deeper results - get the edge, sign up now!

Draft Advisor Launched

Wed, Aug 26th, 2009

Wondering what statistical categories to target with your next pick as your draft is unfolding?  The Draft Advisor gives you updated guidance with every pick you enter.  Check it out!

Fantasy Value - Overrated or Underrated?

Tue, Aug 25th, 2009

A look at Overrated and Underrated players from the 2008/2009 season, with a look to 2009/2010!

Projections from FHC

Mon, Aug 24th, 2009

Good projections are just the start of understanding real player value - scoring categories, league size, and positions all factor in.  We have projections, but there are lots of other very good prognosticators out there.  We've teamed up with Fantasy Hockey Coach:  if you buy their guide, their projections come pre-formatted for upload to Hockey Pool Geek so you can understand which players are the most valuable in your league.

Getting the word out!

Wed, Aug 12th, 2009

We need your support!  If you like what we're doing here at Hockey Pool Geek, spread the word.

Draft Advisor Announced

Thu, Aug 06th, 2009

Stay tuned for more news about our exciting new tool that will give you the edge as your draft unfolds.

New Website Launched!

Thu, Aug 06th, 2009

The Geek is psyched to unveil this update to the website.  Upgrades include:

  • Access to rankings without signing up for a free account
  • An amazing 95 statistical categories to choose from
  • Ability to save multiple league configurations
  • A much improve custom projections user interface, including CSV file upload
  • In-depth analysis in our new articles
  • Projections for the 2009/2010 NHL season
  • Modifying player position to suit your league
  • Answering the eternal question "if I'm going to trade a 50 point defender, what sort of player should I get in return?" in our League Breakdown section.


2008-2009 Season Review

Fri, Jul 24th, 2009

NHL stars and the 2008-2009 season - who stacks up?